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First full training day

Ever Evolving Primate: Travel, photography, food, cooking, and just about anything else.: First full training day

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First full training day

When they say we're going to do a day of training, they don't kid around. We had lectures, class sessions, and various other crash-courses in teaching methods and such for about 11 hours today. The last class was probably the most interesting, it was a beginning Korean language class. I already knew many of the expressions we used tonight, but now I'm starting to really grasp the Hangeul alphabet. After the last class babehoney and I went out for another walk, and this time we found narrow, neon lit streets with every kind of bang (no rae bang, pc bang, dvd bang, etc) and every kind of street food.

This is a PC Bang. Koreans go here to play online games, apparently.

You can see that the super narrow streets host foot and auto traffic.

Pick your own prawn!

More and More Bangs

I'm feeling a bit more comfortable in Korea. The traffic is really daunting as a pedestrian, but just taking a little extra care certainly mitigates the fear a bit. I'm also starting to get over the jet lag just a bit. I'm going to be happy to be in a normal day/night schedule soon, that's for sure. Anyway, that's about the extent of my wisdom for tonight. I'm sure I'll post again in the next few days.


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