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Mass Effect 3: Not-so-real-time blog (spoilers)

Ever Evolving Primate: Travel, photography, food, cooking, and just about anything else.: Mass Effect 3: Not-so-real-time blog (spoilers)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mass Effect 3: Not-so-real-time blog (spoilers)

So I may have mentioned that I replayed Mass Effect 2 in anticipation of playing Mass Effect 3. One of my favorite characters in the series is definitely Dr. Mordin Solus, the ethical Salarian scientist who seems to feel some remorse for releasing the species-crippling genophage on the Krogan. I'm about 10 or 12 hours into Mass Effect 3 including a significant amount of multiplayer time, and to this point I haven't felt very moved by the story. Then last night's play time happened.

I thought it was important to cure the genophage and have the Krogan on my side. This series is known for making you make tough choices, and the first big one of the game really gave me my first taste of the emotional impact that I remembered from Mass Effect 2.  Mordin wants to cure the genophage. I didn't lie to him and keep him from doing so, but it became quite clear that it was going to mean he died. There was a pretty fatalistic final conversation with him before he stepped onto the elevator that he would ride to meet his fate. It was gripping. It was enough to make me stop doubting how great the series really is. I hope I can succeed in saving the galaxy since I've sacrificed already a hugely important member of my team. See, it's making me talk about him like he's real, even though he's not!

Gotta love a game that makes you think so much.